Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Louie 2011

Our adorable Basset named Louie came to us just last month. We can see why they named him King Louie because of his regal like cloak around his neck. To us, he is the most gorgeous boy ever! We had prayed for the right dog for us and us for him and our prayers have come true, more then we could have dreamed. Louie fits in our family like he has always been ours. We are a close family and if anyone leaves the house, Louie misses them and gives them lots of love when they return. He loves his bone and likes to hide it in various places in the house. He is adorable when we watch him use blankets and pillows to make himself a "bed." Louie loves walks at least four times a day and he is really good for baths too. He has the deepest hound bark we ever heard and it's music to our ears. Louie loves to "wrestle" and chew on stuffed animals too. It is cute seeing all of the stuffed animals on the floor, like there is a baby in the house. Everyone in our famiily loves Louie and Louie loves all of us. We are most grateful to the Golden Gate Bassett Rescue and the volunteers and foster parents that bring Bassets home! Thank you!