Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

How lucky are we? Very lucky! After loosing our beloved Basset Hound Roxy at age 13 ½ we called GGBR and let them know that we hoped sometime in the near future we would like to welcome another Basset into our lives. Because we rescued our Roxy with the help of Gloria so many years ago, we knew everyone would work hard to find us the right match. Low and behold, just after New Year’s we received a call about adopting a 7 month old girl. Sunny (originally named Pineapple) came into our lives and brightened our hearts. She is sweet, kind and wonderful with children. She is still very young so she has a bit of growing to do to fill out her big paws and long ears! She smiles a lot at the dog park when she chases the large and small dogs. Sunny has an occasional desire to nip at our feet (especially if we are wearing socks) but we know she will grow out of this habit as she matures. We’re already signed up for training and can’t wait for the Fourth of July Parade – a tradition we shared with Roxy many years ago when she was young. Life without a basset hound is just not living. We feel very lucky to have her in our lives. We wish to express our gratitude to the previous owner, Gloria, Sally and Donna and all the others who give their time and energy to ensure that the Golden Gate Basset Hound Rescue is a wonderful resource. Thank you, The Rossi Family