Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Hi GGBR, This is long overdue, it is just today that I really had a chance to write and read all the updates. We adopted Luna about 4-5 years ago? My husband was very much against the idea, but I have always wanted a Basset Hound since I was a child. So despite it all, I went ahead and got Luna after 2 months of waiting, which I believe was just the perfect time. She immediately became my husbands dog and loyal partner. She follows him everywhere he goes which would always mean tripping over her or stepping on her cute big paws. Luna is very loyal and her temperament with our 3 kids is perfect, and she is the queen of our home. Potty issues are forever an issue, but ofcourse, daddy lets her get away with it! Luna enjoys her daily walks and has shown alot of positive behaviors eversince we have taken her consistently. Luna has truly completed our home. She is now 8 yrs. old and continues to rule the house. We just love hearing the sound of her nails as she comes greet us at the door. And her thunderous barks whenever the mail is being dropped off. Thank you for allowing us to adopt Luna, she truly is a remarkable pet and we love having her in our life and home.